Tips for Selling This Fall

Move Quickly

Real estate traditionally slows down in the cold winter months, so fall is your last chance to sell before the slowdown. Try to list your property quickly before holiday and travel plans affect potential buyers.

Photograph ASAP

Professional real estate pictures are a must, especially in slower markets. The earlier the photos are taken the better. The outdoor space will be in better condition before the leaves fall and the snow hits. It is a good idea to take pictures in the spring if you plan on listing in the fall.

Tips for Selling This Fall
The changing leaves colors look great, but remember to clean up fallen leaves from the lawn to boost curb appeal!

Hire a Professional Agent

A well-versed real estate agent is a must. They should have plenty of experience and know the market well. Some agents have strategies for selling homes in the fall seasons. They might even have their own special tips for selling this fall.

Price Properly

A real estate agent will help you accurately price your home. A well-priced home is important, especially during a time of less buyers. If a property is overpriced it will sit on the market into the winter months.

Weather Ready

Lastly, you need to prepare your home for the changing weather based off this Fall Checklist.  On top of maintenance, you will want to ensure your home still maintains curb appeal. Rake up falling leaves and make sure the driveway is clearer in case of early snowfall.

Click here for more tips on selling this fall!