Vision for Old Town Neighborhoods

The Coloradoan released an article on June 24, 2015 stating that the City is revisiting its vision for the Old Town neighborhood.

The Old Town neighborhood is particularly guided as far as the size and height of new buildings or current buildings being added to. In 2013 the City added guidelines to the plans, but now they are beginning to reevaluate.

A study is now starting and “will focus on emerging issues such as neighborhood character and compatibility”. The overall concern is that new buildings or additions will not match the character of Old Town including sizes of homes, designs, development patterns and more.

Not only is the study focusing on current and new home owners, but also commercial development and student-housing projects. The demand for housing in Old Town is high, but so is the traffic, safety, crossings, lack of sidewalks and basic infrastructure for bikes and pedestrians.

Vision for Old Town is constantly changing and probably always will be. Location makes the Old Town neighborhood a popular place to plant roots or buy a home, but if there are more restrictions, will people want to move there or will current home owners move out because they can’t expand what they own to fit their needs? Critics believe that the regulations infringe on their property rights and supporters believe it is what is in the best interest for the community as nearby homes become “out of place”. What do you think?