Spring is finally here and now is the time to deep clean and organize your home. Whether you do a “light spring clean” or invest the time to get into every nook and cranny of your house, doing a spring cleaning day (or two) and getting rid of unnecessary items that may have piled up will bring a breath of fresh air to daily living and allow for better efficiency throughout your living space.

Everyone has a different approach to spring cleaning and some dig in more than others. But the basics hold true for the most part and the idea of the spring clean is to deep clean the areas of the home and property that usually go overlooked or untouched during the winter months. Add your own personal spin on the spring clean based on your goals and needs. The basics that are more universal are as follows:

1. Windows and Window Coverings:

Dust and grime build up on our windows over the fall and winter months. Whether you choose to use “grandma’s go-to” of vinegar and water mixture and old fashioned newspaper as your “towel” or a stronger solution and dry cloth, get each inch of your windows sparkling and ready for sunshine to come through! Window coverings, especially in a dry, dusty climate like Colorado, need a good cleaning, too. Depending on the type of fabric, wash or dry clean coverings, press, and rehang. For blinds, a simple solution of dish soap and warm water will do the trick in removing dust and grime buildup

       2. Baseboards and Edges:

Wipe down all baseboards of the home and corners using dish soap and water.

       3. Upholstery and Carpets:

Invest in having your furniture and carpets professionally cleaned if possible or buy upholstery cleaner and carpet cleaner to deep clean these surfaces and ensure they are odor free and allergens are reduced.

4. Hard Surfaces and Hardwood Floors:

Dust all hard surfaces in the home and buff furniture using good quality furniture oil for your hardwoods. Polish wood floors using an oil soap or environmentally-friendly cleaner.



       5. Safety Equipment:

Check all fire alarms and security alarm systems, change batteries, and test these to ensure that they are working properly. If needed, replace or add fire extinguishers and make sure each family member is knowledgeable in how to use them.

6. Cupboards, Closets, Drawers:

If you’re feeling ambitious, tackle those spaces where junk tends to pile up during the winter. Toss out any papers, office supplies, bags, and items you are not using and create piles labeled “Toss, Donate, Keep.” This is the simplest way to de-clutter your space. Take items in your donate pile to local charities or contact them for pick-up.


      7. Refrigerator

Empty out your fridge completely, scrub all surfaces and wash the drawers. Put back only items that are still within expiration date and that you want to use.

       8. Family Pets:

Don’t forget your pets! Now is a wonderful time to groom your animals! Clean the fish tank or cages of pets and for dogs and cats, invest in grooming or take time for a good bath and brushing, brushing of teeth, and nail trimming.

       9. Garage/Basement

Add in garage organization or basement cleanup if you’d like to do cleaning in addition to the basics or purchase storage containers and totes to keep off-season items neat and dust-free. Adding in a good, deep cleaning for spring sets your home up for a more relaxing and fun summer and cuts down on your household chores for the future.

Helpful Cleaning Tips and Tricks

–The best way to remove stains around your sink is to set paper towels soaked in vinegar over the stain(s) and leave for an hour. Then remove the towels and scrub lightly with a brush; stains should lift or disappear entirely.

–Lemon juice + salt + water is a great cleaner for everything from a glass coffee pot to sinks. For the coffee pots, add ice cubes to the mix and swish around until stains are removed.

–Essential oils added to water and mixed make a light and refreshing spray to use in place of heavy or highly chemical air fresheners. (You can even mist your dogs with these!)


Author: Dawn Duncan is the founder and owner of Yellowbright, Inc., a Fort Collins-based marketing and events agency. Yellowbrightinc.com or 970.980.6399.