10 Reasons Why Your Home Might Not Sell

There are many reasons why your home might not sell. When you first put your home on the market, you are probably hopeful for a quick sale. Don’t panic if the house doesn’t sell the moment you list it. But you should be concerned if the months start flying by without an real offers. Here are 10 suggestions to insure a timely sale!

1. Is your home prices correctly?

An overpriced home is not going to sell. The market decides the price of the home, not the seller. An experienced real estate agent can give you an accurate value of your home by analyzing similar sales in your neighborhood. Additionally, keep in mind that renovation costs do not necessarily translate to added value.

2. Should you be present during showings?

Buyer are more comfortable when the seller is not present during showings or open houses. This gives them the opportunity to take in the house without the feeling of the owner nearby.

3. Are you too attached to your home?

If part of you doesn’t want to sell it, or you think your home is the best house in the world, you’re likely to have difficulties coming to an agreement with a potential buyer. You need to questions why you are selling your home and decide if it is the right decision for you.

4. Has your home been professionally cleaned?

Make the best impression on the buyer by having the home professionally cleaned, including carpets and windows. A professional cleaning can make a huge difference in appearance. If you want to sell your house, you should take every advantage you can to get it sold.

This home has been cleaned and professionally staged, look how great it looks!

5. Does your home need to be staged?

If you’ve already moved out and the home is empty, it’s difficult for buyers to imagine living in it. A home that is professionally staged with furniture and décor will give buyers a better idea of room sizes and how they can be used. I offer all my clients the option of free staging. Our Staging Guide describes what you can do without hiring a professional.

6. Does your home have too much personal décor?

Remove your personal items so buyers will have an easier time imagining themselves living in your home. This includes family pictures, so pack them up safely for the next house.

7. Are your home improvements too personalized?

The mural you painted for your child’s room may strike the buyer as a project that they do not want to inherit. Along these lines, you also want to consider painting walls more neutral colors to appeal to more buyers. Bright color combinations can be off putting to some buyers.

8. Is your home cluttered?

Even a clean home can feel cluttered. Too much furniture can make the house feel smaller than it is. Decluttering your home can make it feel larger and show off more of the house. It might be worth the investment to rent a storage unit and remove some of the furniture to free up more space.

9. Does your home need repairs?

Many buyers don’t want to deal with the cost or effort of doing even minor repair work, such as tightening a handrail or replacing a broken tile. Before listing your house, you can get a pre-inspection. This gives you the ability to address problems in the home before they are brought up later in the transaction. If your house is older a pre-inspection will help you address these 10 Common Problems.

10. Have you chosen the right real estate agent?

Choosing your listing agent is the most important decision you make in selling your home. A qualified realtor will help sell your home within a reasonable time, communicate effectively, and manage all the moving parts of the real estate transaction.

When it’s time to think about selling your home, give me a call!

Source: RE/MAX Advanced Notice