Want free beer? Volunteer! The Fort Collins Brewers fest is looking for volunteers to help with their event June 27th & June 28th. Click here to sign up and become a volunteer! As a volunteer you’ll receive a free Govino “Go-Anywhere” 16 oz tasting glass, a volunteer T-Shirt and complimentary… read more →
“All gave some, some gave all” Memorial Day has been associated with backyard parties, camping and beaches along with friends, beer and good food. As the day brings most individuals a three-day weekend and unofficially marks the start of summer, let us not forget what the meaning of the holiday… read more →
FINALLY! SCHOOL IS OUT AND SUMMER IS IN! We live in a beautiful state with great outdoor activities to soak up the sun! This list includes everything from traditional Fort Collins experiences, like a brewery tour, to trying something new and exciting like checking out the new businesses, or the… read more →
The pressure is on. Mother’s Day is right around the corner! Mother’s Day is meant to honor mothers and their influence in society, maternal bonds and motherhood itself (www.softschools.com). Are you wondering how to spend yet another Mother’s Day with your mom and how to make it special? My team… read more →
This month’s Featured Business of the Month is TRADER JOE’S! The new store was the hype of Fort Collins for months up until it’s grand opening in February of 2015. Even still, Fort Collins residents can’t seem to get enough. The new store opened on February 28th with a grand… read more →
Purchasing a condo is almost like a right of passage. Many young people, primarily millennials, know the power in purchasing a home and a condo provides a great starting point. It provides them an opportunity to enter the market at a price that is doable for them. The construction defects… read more →
This weekend, April 24th and 25th, Old Town will be swarming with music lovers as FoCoMX takes over. The volunteer-run event, FoCoMX, is a Fort Collins tradition. The music festival features over 200 local bands at over 20 local venues. Not all venues are your typical concert venue, like The… read more →
State of the Industry Update I attended a State of the Industry update on Tuesday presented by the Fort Collins Board of Realtors with two impressive speakers including the National Association of Realtors’ Chief Economist Lawrence Yun and Dr. Elliot Eisenberg. Interestingly enough, half of our population thinks we are… read more →
Interested in the 1st Quarter Market Update? Click Here! All of the local real estate news and information can be found here including sales, median prices and much more! According to RE/MAX.com, “sales through the fall and winter months held ground, as four of the last six months saw higher… read more →
Spring is a season of change and renewal. The weather begins to warm up, flowers and trees begin to bloom and as Coloradans we tend to spend a lot more time outside. If you are outside more with kids and/or pets, think about ways you can reduce the impact your… read more →