Falling short on your New Year resolutions? We have the tips for you!

Now more than ever we are living in an era that strives for healthier, greener and cheaper lifestyles. There are thousands and thousands of simple steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and live within your home in a healthier state. Instead of fumbling through the thousands of “greener tips” lurking on the Internet, we have come up with a list of just 20 specifically for you! These low-stress ideas can improve your eco-scorecard, create a healthier home and best of all lower your monthly bills!

1. Bring your own reusable grocery bags while shopping. Whether you are shopping for groceries or clothes, reducing the amount of plastic bags you use is crucial.
2. Compost your leftovers.
3. Use recycled paper. Try to reuse the scrap paper in your home for grocery lists, notes to family members, to-do lists, etc.
4. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. This is probably one of the oldest tricks in the book, but still very important!
5. Use and re-use rechargeable batteries. Even though they die eventually, rechargeable batteries can recharge hundreds of times!
6. Unplug electronic devices when not being used. If you aren’t using your tablet, computer, cell phone, etc. be sure to unplug them. Don’t worry- they will still live.
7. Use compact fluorescent lights. Even though they cost a few more dollars upfront, they use up to 75% less energy than regular bulbs and last 10 times longer.
8. Do your laundry after 7:00 PM. An odd time to start laundry, but this is considered the off peak energy zone.
9. Use cold water to wash your clothes. Using cold water lessens energy, also try to hang dry clothes during the warm months rather than using a drying machine.
10. Bring your own mug for coffee. Grab a mug from the cupboard and take it to your favorite coffee shop to use rather than a paper cup. Many coffee shops even offer a discount for reusable cups!
11. Plant a tree. Duh…what better way to “go green” than by planting a green?
12. Use yesterday’s newspaper to clean the windows. Sounds crazy, but it is great for a streak and lint-free window.
13. Buy electronics that have the Energy Star logo. They have everything from tablets to dishwashers so be sure to look for the blue logo.
14. Install low flow shower heads. It could ultimately save you over $70 per year, plus saving water in general is satisfying.
15. Have your home evaluated to reduce waste water. Many companies will actually come to your home and do this for you!
16. Trip-link! Combine your errands into one trip to save gas and time!
17. Don’t turn up the heat. When you are cold, don’t turn your thermostat up higher- instead, go put a warmer layer on.
18. Top your pot. Put a lid on your pot of water when boiling water for cooking. This helps conserve heat and ultimately may decrease the amount of energy or gas used for cooking.
19. Use zero VOC paint in your home. Most home improvement stores carry this type of paint in your favorite brands and colors!
20. Buy products with less packaging. Less plastic, cardboard or paper means less waste in the end!

These are just 20 simple, stress-free steps to building a healthier, greener and cheaper home. By doing just a few simple steps here and there it may open your eyes to the endless amounts of better decisions you can make!