Below is a great article with 10 tips to avoid any financial issues when buying a home. It was written by Diana Lundin at on August 26, 2013. Buying a house? Even if you have good credit, you should keep your finances in check until closing so that lenders… read more →
Just because it is snowing outside and the weather is cold doesn’t mean buyers aren’t looking for homes! Curb appeal and the appearance of your home is critical any time of year. Below are eight ideas for selling your home in the winter: Address all repairs prior to listing such… read more →
Satin Camisole For February’s Featured Business, our team selected Satin Camisole. This past week, we had the pleasure of meeting with Jessica and Nancy who took the time to show us around the store and answer a few of our questions. Make sure to check out their website, and their… read more →
February is already upon us! We are still experiencing strong buyer activity! Below, we have compiled a list of what our current buyer’s are looking for. Please contact us if you know of anything that will meet these buyer’s needs! CURRENT BUYER NEEDS: IMMEDIATE BUYER NEEDS Ordered by price (highest… read more →
Historic Review of Homes 50 Years or Older in Fort Collins – What you need to know: For those of you that are thinking of remodeling that 1920’s bungalow or anything built prior to 1964, make sure to educate yourself before thinking you can do whatever your heart desires! (Actually,… read more →
Angie: Happy 2014 – I guess January is coming to a close so I can stop saying that but I am super excited for all of the possibilities that 2014 presents. The real estate market is very hot – we just need inventory but we are positive more and more… read more →
Angie’s 2014 Real Estate Predictions 2013 was a great year for the real estate market in Northern Colorado! Healthy appreciation of properties, increase in new construction and continued demand has provided the real estate market with a recovery from the economic downturn. What will happen in 2014? It is a… read more →
This weeks blog features an overview of our new listings: 409 N Mason Court #225 and 1755 Glenwood Drive, click here for more information on these great properties! Dan DeVries is our featured vendor for January, to read the full interview click here. We also discuss the market conditions and… read more →
In our industry, we utilize many different vendors in Fort Collins. Over the years, we have accumulated a comprehensive list of valuable contacts that we maintain, click HERE to view this list! In 2014 we will be featuring a different vendor every other month. We are pleased to announce January’s… read more →
Welcome to 2014! We are still experiencing strong buyer activity! Below, we have compiled a list of what our current buyer’s are looking for. There continues to be lack of inventory, so please contact us if you know of anything that will meet these buyer’s needs! CURRENT BUYER NEEDS: IMMEDIATE… read more →