Illustration from A recent epidemic, also known to some as the “Silver Tsunami” has brought a great number of retirees and older citizens to Fort Collins. We understand why, Fort Collins is a great place to live! What is the Silver Tsunami? Since 2011, 10,000 Baby Boomers per day… read more →
A new $86 million hospital set to open on April 6, 2015 will bring competition to Fort Collins only hospital, Poudre Valley. The city will now become a two-hospital city with the development of a 28-acre site that will provide 22 beds, two operating rooms, emergency department, a 16-room health… read more →
Local elections are quickly approaching! Please make sure you are educated on the local issues and who will be the best candidates for City council and Mayor. Please see some valuable information below with regard to recommendations from the local Fort Collins Board of Realtors and why we support these… read more →
Renters and rentees are a large portion of Fort Collins real estate. With the University near by and great city that is becoming more and more popular, rental properties are a huge component to the housing industry. When buying and selling investment properties improvements can be an incredibly important, or… read more →
Are you feeling lucky? Head to Old Town, Fort Collins this Saturday for Lucky Joe’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Irish Party! The parade & party are FREE to the public and open to all! The parade will start at 10 AM and showcase over 80 floats and Irish themed… read more →
RE/MAX suggests 4 simple ways to get involved in your neighborhood: 1. Join a group 2. Volunteer 3. Organize an Event 4. Fill a Need Joining a group allows you to get involved in different shapes and forms. Most neighborhoods have public forums, like city council and citizen advisory groups.… read more →
Woodward[wooslider slider_type=”slides” id=”All Photos taken from”] One of Fort Collins’ largest private employers, is in the process of building their new campus in North East Fort Collins. The Coloradoan published an article on Monday, February 23rd with the details, dates and other information regarding the huge $250 million dollar… read more →
“The investment of staging in your home is far less than a price reduction on your home” – Barb Schwarz , creator of Home Staging came up with 20 home staging mistakes that every home seller should avoid. Home staging is an integral part of selling real estate and… read more →
FOOTHILLS MALL UPDATE The City of Fort Collins released their Foothills Mall Newsletter on Tuesday (February 17th) with an update regarding the demolition of the mall: “Demolition began today on the former Sears building at Foothills Mall – the last major piece of the main mall building to come down.… read more →
RE/MAX Housing suggest eight tools every homeowner should own. Maintenance on every home is inevitable. Whether you are first time homeowner or have owned a home for years, making sure you have some of these simple, inexpensive tools will surely make your life a little bit easier! 1. SCREWDRIVERS Duh,… read more →